Monday, September 1, 2008

Beggining of Independance Day Celebrations

Independance Day in Brazil is September 7th and the week leading up to it is called the "Semana Da Patria". Today was the first day of celebration. On the seventh there is a big parade through the city and I will be in it too. Me and some people in my class have to do this awkward dance with these poles, it's so ridiculous and I really don't want to do it but I have no choice.
Today after 1st period we all went to the town square right in front of the church for a big event. All the local schools were there and each had a small group of dancers that performed. Everyone dances here in Brazil and almost all of them are good. CETEC danced Samba and Salsa. There was also a stage set up where a few important men and women stood and talked on microphones but I didn't understand what they said or who they were. They also had a flag raising ceremony and everyone sung the national anthem which is really beautiful. I think it's interesting that everyone was singing where as in the US almost no one sings the national anthem, or even the flag solute. After school there was a very nice birthday ceremony for our classmate Luana which included eggs and flour which is apparently a tradition in Brazil.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Very interesting posts and photos. Please tell us more about São Luis High School and your presentation there.

Enjoy the Independence celebrations. I want to see a video of you dancing in the parade!