Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Presentation at São Luis

Last friday I went to São Luis Gonzaga which is a public school here in Veranópolis. It is much larger, with about 1,600 students. I went there to talk with all the english students which was a lot because here in Brazil english classes are mandatory. So I had a crowd of about 100 students and a few teachers. At first they were all shy and there weren't any questions but after I talked a little about who I was and what I was doing here in Brazil people started to have questions. Nana told me afterwards that one of the teachers that was there told her that she was so nervous to ask me a question that she was shaking. I think people don't really understand that I'm just a regular kid that likes to talk and is very understanding and open. Nana said that many people are afraid to talk to me because I'm from so far away I'm almost like an E.T. and it's scary to ask. But since I know this now I try to make them feel comfortable asking questions and joking around with me. I ended up having to leave before I could answer all the questions so I might be going back sometime. I want to because I really like talking to crowds like that and sharing information about our culture and my life because every time I do, I learn tons of really amazing things about Brazilian culture, opinions about the US, cultural differences and many many other things. Plus at the end of the "speach" as a thank you present they gave me a basket of Pão de Queijo and a book of Brazilian poetry.

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