Monday, December 15, 2008

Gift Package!

Dad the gift package came today! I'm very very happy. My family really liked the card you sent and I REALLY love all the food. My family thinks the Jalapeño chips are WAY too spicy and that I'm crazy to actually like them. Bernardo and Lala are afraid to try them after they saw Nana's reaction. Lala really likes the Fruit By The Foot though. It's so funny, she treats it so carefully, like it's a small bomb. She carefully unwraps it and rips off the tiniest little piece. Then she carefully places it on her tongue and stares at me like it's a prank I'm playing on her. She asked me if she was supposed to chew and if it was ok to swallow. haha. It's something new that none of them have ever seen. Nobody in my family likes spicy foods and they can't understand why I can stand eating those chips, let alone actually like them. Thank you so much Dad! I love you!

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